Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Glad Place

By Susan Detweiler

Strolling through the Meadow on this breezy autumn day,
I hear sweet birds, soprano songs, as I walk along the way.

The river whispers secrets and I stop and strain to hear.
It tells me of its travels and it smiles through its tears.

Or is this rain. Ah, yes! It's so! I run to find some cover.
A grove of trees, red and yellow, will make a fine umbrella.

Thunder's calling from a distance.The sun peeks through a cloud.
Golden raindrops glisten. I say, "That's so cool!", out loud.

Crickets creak. Frogs low speak. I notice and I sigh.
A lovely way to end my day. "Goodnight, glad place, Goodbye!".

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